Casey Anthony case: Out goes incompetent angle

The first lawyer Jose Baez said Casey Anthony Caylee Anthony drowned and two years, mother, father, Casey Anthony, George (grandfather of Caylee), covered accidental drowning of children. Then George Anthony, Casey's brother Lee Anthony have been accused of 25 years, Casey Anthony mind through an incestuous relationship - as if it could explain why she allegedly killed her daughter. Finally Friday, the defense asked Judge Belvin Perry Casey Anthony Caylee Anthony Mother Orlando rule incompetent for trial, according to Fox News.

Case can be made by Casey Anthony incompetent because he is not "normal" for a mother galavant around the tattoo and dinner casual dining with her boyfriend when she was kidnapped by two years of a nanny or drowned in a pool at home .

It is not right to kill her child, which can also lead others to take a crazy person. But with all that aside, decided to Orlando, Perry, head of the case, Casey Anthony, on the basis of three psychiatric examinations, continuous Casey Anthony was released, it can still be accused of murdering Caylee daughter. Although the trial resumes today.


Casey Anthony attorney Jose Baez, perhaps, another plan up his sleeve in his attempt to save his client from the inevitable: marketing on the stand of his own defense. It seems that this case winds its way through his last day in court, he will come down to Casey Anthony - not to defend his lawyer - to win the jury or to give the green light to judge beyond a reasonable doubt.