News about Golden gate bridge

Girl, 16 years old, who attempted suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco survived the fall, authorities said Monday.
The teenager was declared a "conscious and responsive" on the suspension bridge about 11:15 on Sunday, U. S. Coast Guard representative Levi Read told Reuters.
She was fired from San Francisco in the Coast Guard boat and taken to a nearby hospital, where the extent of his injuries was unclear.
A spokesman for Golden Gate Transit District confirmed that the girl who was not identified by authorities, jumped from the bridge to take his own life.
"It was actually a suicide attempt," said spokeswoman Marie Curie.
According to statistics kept the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District, every year dozens of people attempting suicide by jumping off a bridge, which is about 270 meters above the water in the middle of the sphere.
In 2010, according to the district, there were 25 confirmed suicides on the bridge. Another 75 people were stopped from jumping.
"This is a fairly common phenomenon," San Francisco Fire Representative Mindy Talmadge said.
"It is very rare for someone to survive, and although I do not know what condition the young man believed that she survived it," said Talmadge.
In March, a boy aged 17, survived the jump on the scale with only bruises. Talmadge said the boy apparently jumped "for fun" and was not a suicide attempt.