portal 2 Review Game

Game developer Valve has released his puzzle game Portal 2 for the first games on the PC ferry two days before the console fans can get their hands on it.

modest PC, it seems, a renaissance in recent years with Treyarch announced Instruments PC mod for Call Of Duty: Black Ops and Dice to use a PC as a hardware development Battlefield 3.

Now, the game developer, publisher and distributor of digital operations throughout the games Valve has given something for gamers smile. He published the puzzle first person to Portal 2 £ 29,99 for a couple, two days before the console users will be on Friday. Oh, and Mac fanbois get it today.

Valve has released its engine portal in addition to Goodie filled with Orange Box in 2007 to wild acclaim. game, originally created by students are currently working on the valve was again present in Half-Life universe Aperture science lab and caused many headaches for his mind bending gun case, the portal header. Furthermore, it was very funny, but very short and based on a single player experience only.

Portal 2 is much more to use the latest version of the aging Source engine - which, in our humble opinion, has always been - and Valve have added the feature for two players. Funny Humor called intact and he has already received nearly perfect reviews on the Internet.

And, using all kinds of techno-tricks at his disposal, Valve has also promised that the PlayStation 3 gamers can play against players of PC and Mac. If the valve cracks multiplayer equipment for Portal 2, which will impact knocked the future of gaming