Malyalam actor Prithviraj created quite a stir, what with the rumors about his upcoming marriage to Supriya Menon has done his job.
According to sources, the actor tying knot with Supriya Menon, BBC journalist in a small ceremony today in Palakkad district, the birthplace of Supriya.
couple wants an intimate ceremony with only a small group of 50 people, including family and friends present. couple plans to lavish reception party for all the other later.
Here's wishing all the best pair.
According to sources, the actor tying knot with Supriya Menon, BBC journalist in a small ceremony today in Palakkad district, the birthplace of Supriya.
couple wants an intimate ceremony with only a small group of 50 people, including family and friends present. couple plans to lavish reception party for all the other later.
Here's wishing all the best pair.